Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Newfangled Talking Picture Dictionary

Today’s tip comes courtesy of new tutor and long-time learner Toshiko Tachihara. She recommended visiting the website, There you will find something with a format very similar to The New Oxford Picture Dictionary, but with sound in addition to pictures. The image below is a screen capture from that site:

To hear a human voice pronounce the words, you need only roll the mouse pointer over the object. When you do, a voice says the word clearly. A little tag pops up at the same time showing the written word. This could also help tutors who want to learn more of their students’ language. It includes the words for the same things in Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic and Chinese among others.

Remember: if you can get your learner a little exposure to English between lessons, you are assigning helpful and effective homework. A visit to the library makes an excellent field trip, and a library card is a precious possession.

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