Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Health Literacy Lesson Plans

The website, internet home of the National Institute for Literacy, has quite an extensive collection of useful items. Today the site led me to a pre-made lesson plan for health literacy*. The lesson plan has helpful pictures that described medical situations, e.g. “[to] be dizzy or bleeding, to have nausea, to have chest pain” and so on. You can find it here:

The plan includes a simulated 911 emergency call using a dialog that can be changed depending on the emergency you want to practice. The lesson plans refer to a group of students, but do not let that discourage you from using them. After all, a tutor and a learner are a group—of two. Most of the items can be adapted for a single pair. Try recruiting your learner's family members to join in. Imagine, for example, your learner’s grade school kid playing the role of a victim of stomach cramps, chest pain or dizziness while your learner practices making an emergency call. Most children I know would greatly enjoy that kind of play.

* NIFL directed me to (no relation to this organization), which had links for tutors. That led to, which had pre-made lesson plans.

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