Tutors who are helping
their learners read and write better may already be aware that 100 words occur
so frequently in English that they make up half of the words you will see on
any given page. According to The Reading Teachers Book of Lists by
Edward Bernard Fry, Ph.D, Jacqueline E. Kress, Ed.D & Dona Lee
Fountoukidis, Ed.D., about sixty-five percent of all written material in
English comes from the list of the 300 most common words. Memorizing them gives
a leg up to people struggling to read the language. While we usually recommend
phonics for reading instruction at Literacy Network, there are good reasons to
take this approach for the 300 (you can find the list by clicking here).
Why memorize a finite list of words? First, there's the speed boost it gives readers. Second, many of the words are read non-phonetically. If you read words number 24, 25 and 27 from the list, have, from and one, they would rhyme with grave, mom, bone. Instead, they rhyme with lav, bum, bun. So, since memorization is the best way to learn them, how do we go about it? Here are three strategies:
1. Flashcards-Cut index cards in half and tech them three or four at a time.
Get your learner involved by inviting him or her to write the words on cards
during a lesson
2. Tapping out-have your learner spell the word orally while tapping out each
letter on her arm, moving down her arm with each tap. So, for the word have
she would tap and recite "H - A - V - E," then say "Have"
as she makes a wiping motion, as though erasing the word off her arm.
3. Oral Rhyme, Three at a Time-the strategy I employed above, actually. Write
and recite: "Have, from, one rhyme with lav, bum, bun the phonetically
consistent spelled words they rhyme with. This strategy might work well
with learners who learn well orally.
Remember: learning to
read takes patience, time, repetition, patience and more repetition. Thank you
all for being tutors.